Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Old #Saltair

The Old Saltair
James Forest Olson

Farewell to My Lady - The Old Saltair, Still a Beauty in her last days

Shown is a signed and numbered, (cherry) framed 25.5"x15.5" print No. 146/300 of my painting, "Farewell to My Lady", of the old Saltair dance hall just before its final, complete demise by fire in 1967.  The roller coaster "Giant Racer" and all other rides and shops were gone at this time.
         (The bowed frame is from an aberration of the camera lens)

A great tourist attraction, it was built on pilings over the Great Salt Lake.  Beautifully and delicately lit at night, it was also called "the Lady of the Lake".

A few unframed, S/N limited edition prints are still available,

You may purchase this print for just $150.00+delivery, if applicable.

A late note: I will be moving Late Sept. These prints may not be available thereafter.

Below is a 5"x8" image of the same painting, available in quantities of 5 for $10.00 + shipping.  Packages of 20 are $35.00 ea.

Pencil Drawing
The print shown below is of large pencil drawing of is Saltair in its prime.  These 5"x7" prints are available only in quantities of 5 for $6.00 + shipping.  Packages of 50 or more are $50.00 ea.
End of printing, few left.  
Check retail card shops in Salt Lake City, UT

This was the first pavilion, which was destroyed by fire also in 1925
My grandfather, Isaac Maxwell worked in both.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


Murals may be commanding statements, directing continued attention of all present. or a pleasing wall pattern, accentuating a coordinated total area décor. 

The one mural shown was done as a soft unobtrusive wall decoration.  Such murals may be painted in analogous tones emerging from the wall color or in soft compliments, not to command attention but to provide a calming, pleasing atmosphere as part of diverse choices of décor.

The other mural was done to accentuate, compliment and draw attention to the blind product display.
The murals shown were done many years ago.
Mural in my dining room in Tucson
The color is better represented in the photograph below 

This little excerpt shows the colors of the dining room mural

This 7ft. mural was painted for a company in Salt Lake City
especially, with the blind, it gives a great feeling of depth as we step out, and
down three risers to a stone patio, and are invited to continue down to the shore of a lake.
 Since this type of mural is very simply done, and done with house paints, the cost is very affordable. 

#murals  #paintedwallmurals  #decorativemurals

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Farm Painting: Icehouse

Subject: Farm Painting
It was some time ago that I made a habit of exhibiting in the Western Art Show in Ellensburg WA.   On one occasion, before the show opened in the morning, I drove around the outskirts of town, looking for some good subjects.  I found a very tidy little farm with a herd of cattle.  I was met on the doorstep by Mr. Strong the owner of the property and had a good conversation, in which he told me that he had just turned 90.  But he was still doing all the farming and tending his herd.  Quite amazing.  I've done several paintings of his place: this painting is of his icehouse.

Strong's Icehouse
11"x14" oil on linen $650.00

Friday, November 15, 2013

Oil Painting, Autumn Fantasy

Autumn Fantasy
20”x25¾”  oil on linen
A place as this You'll not likely find,
It came from the abyss of my wandering mind.
But there in reflection I quietly ponder,
Where in deep dreams am oft wont to wander,
Down a wee, clear brook to me lake far away,
Which, in this time, autumn ripples display.
original oil painting for sale  Autumn picture #autumnpainting

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Monarch by James Forest Olson

18"x24" #Oil on Linen
#lion #AfricanLion

I met Mr. Colin Mead, a #wildlife photographer, while serving a mission for the #LDS Church in South Africa.  The lion is taken from one of his great photographs with his permission.  One of these things (a lioness) tried to kill our car in the #Lion Park near Johannesburg.  The mission president framed a piece of his bumper where a lion, trying to stop his car, penetrated it with his teeth.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

#Western Landscape and Wildlife Art

Mount Olympus
30”x38” oil on linen

Of course we think of the place of the Gods in ancient history.
I played with that in this painting. 
The ancient Greek gods are having a little discussion.
It is my intention to sell this painting, with all proceeds going to 
L.D.S. Philanthropic Fund for disaster relief.                                                                                                                                                                                     
Still Waters
By James Forest Olson

Giglee Print on canvas 15.25”x20” (or to spec)

This is one of my fantasy compositions inspired by the 23rd Psalm.
The phrase, “He leadeth me beside the still waters”, touched my imagination. In this scene, You may wander with me, on this bright spring day, through the grove of green #aspen, around still pools of water, into the intriguing, background forest almost hidden behind the small pine.  In this painting I provide some mystery for your imagination.
#aspen #aspenpainting

Autumn Fantasy”
20”x25¾”  oil on linen
A place as this You'll not likely find,
It's from the abyss of my wandering mind.
But there in reflection I quietly ponder,
Where in deep dreams am oft wont to wander,
Down a wee brook to my lake far away,
Which, this time, Autumn ripples display.
$2500 Framed

           Midnight Surprise
Giglee Print 19¼” x 23”
On a black, spooky night, come suddenly, face to face with an owl lit by your flashlight. 
The owl is from an old a potash plant I was exploring in Carlsbad New Mexico where 
she surprised me at the top of a ship's ladder. Later, I surprised her with my camera set.
The window frame is an old collapsed miner's cabin found in the Colorado mountains. 
I put her with my father-in-law's old lantern that hung many years in his cow barn.  
The inspiration came from my early days when my brother and I, on a moonlight hike, 
explored a spooky old house.   #owl
$300 Framed

Relic of Hope
14”x18” oil on linen
A true family once lived here. This painting is a tribute to our for-bearers, their faith in God, 
 their courage, high hopes and the spirit of optimism.   May we always hold to that heritage. 
Giglee Prints unframed $175

Home Land
17¾”x26” Oil on linen
There is a deep place in my heart, a reverence for our country and the hard work, of strong 
kindly people, loyal to family and the field of their profession.  Here is dedication, rugged 
individualism and trust in our Almighty God, that led them to this land and built a marvelous 

$2200 Framed


28”x21½” Oil on linen
This is an expression of rugged individualism and independence.
The rear quarters of the animal were exaggerated to show the power.
Anyone want a flower?

$1800 Framed


18”x29” oil on linen
I often express, as in this painting, my love for the virtues of freedom. The bison are, to me, a symbol of the independent spirit that we once held high, The setting is typical of North Yellowstone

There are times, now and then when light shadow and weather,
verdant fields, wooded hills and wildlife come together,
As harmonious evidence of natures affluence,
And in royalty display an eloquent confluence.
$2400 Framed

A Moment in Time
18”x29” oil on linen

Again, I express my love for freedom. The setting is Geyser basin in Yellowstone

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Relic of Hope by James Forest Olson

Find me on Fine Arts, Landscape and Wildlife and  #Utah Original Art and Prints.  Also on Google+ and   Here some of my Utah posts:  Salt Lake City and County Building and "Relic of Hope"

Relic of Hope 14”x18”
#Oil on Linen, Personal collection
A real family once lived here. Though desolate now, children once played within its walls. In the      quiet You can almost hear their laughter and giggles while mother tended the baby, cleaned house      and dad did the chores. This is a tribute to our fore bearers, #Pioneers of Utah, their faith in God,
 their courage, and marvelous spirit of optimism. May we hold dearly our heritage and pledge again to honor #liberty. Giglee Prints unframed $175
#utahpioneers #oldcabins #pioneer cabins #utahart